Sunday, March 8, 2020


Date: 08/03/2020
Speaker: Pst. Benedit
Topic: Jesus can change your Story
Text : Matt. 9:20-22, Luke:1:7

The only thing that is constant in life is change, every other thing will change. When you talk about change it is a process of something turning around from one position to another.

You must no that life is full of obstacles

Sunday, March 1, 2020

The 11th Hours Laborers and Wages

Date: 1/03/2020
Speaker: Bro. Ehimare Agbi
Topic: 11th Hours Laborers and Wages
Text: Matt. 20:6-7; 28:19-20

As a christian you must no that God is against idleness,  the very momement you give your life God you have be mandated to go and work,  you are not expected to be idle anymore

The tools that you need to carry out the work have been made available
Some may be
The working of miracle
Gift of wisdom
And so many more

Does gift was given to you to work with on the planet earth because they are not useful in even. So don't keep them and say you will take them back to Him. You must no that God is with you from the very moment I sent you out.

Some person are preaching Christ but they don't know who they preach about.  Some are not preaching about they don't no more about Him. They world is waiting for you to makert Jesus to them.  Let us put a good efforts into this work so that we will also get a better reword.

The more effort you put into the work determine the reward that you will get.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Determination Key to Great Achievement

Date: 23-02-2020

Speaker: Rev. U. M. Irabor

Topic: Determination Key to great Achievement

Text: Nehemiah1:1-4;
. Nehemiah 2:10;
Nehemiah 4:6-8

Determination is the what make you to do some even when it is difficulty
Key is the point of doing something
Achievement is what somebody have done successful

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Sunday, February 9, 2020


Listen and download the message of today the second Sunday of February 

Thursday, February 6, 2020


"Where are you coming from by this time of the night?"

He thundered.

"Honey you won't believe what happened today. Oh God I'm so tired right now."

She replied as she yawned.

"I asked where you are coming from and you are vomiting rubbish. Does that answer my question? Are you trying to pretend you don't know there's no food in this house?"

He said fuming.

"Honey I'm sorry but you should hear me out first. I...."

Before she could complete that sentence, a thunderous slap kissed her left cheek and she passed out on the sofa.

"Get my dinner ready, after that you will tell me why you switched off your phone."

He said as he walked towards the bedroom.

When he noticed there was no response from his wife, he was infuriated.

He rushed towards her to unleash the rest of the demon in him but on getting close to her, he discovered she has passed out.

He was shocked.

Cold sweat appeared on his forehead and raced down his temple.

Fear gripped him.

He began to panic.

He dashed into the bedroom, picked his car key and darted out of the house to open his car.

He rushed back into the house almost immediately, lifted his wife and headed to his car.

As he made to start the ignition, the car key fell off his hand.

He was visibly shaking.

Picking up the car key proved to be a difficult task to him as he couldn't get hold of it.

He succeeded but had to use both hands to start the car ignition. His shaky hands turned against him. 

His heart was racing.

He couldn't hold the steering firmly but he managed to drive his way to the hospital.

Getting to the hospital, he alerted the nurses. His wife was rushed into the emergency ward.

He became restless.

After about five minutes, his doctor appeared to him.

"Good evening Mr Collins."

"Good evening doctor, how's my wife?"

He said with great panic.

"Your wife was here few hours ago. She brought your mum to the hospital before going home and if she had been ten minutes late, your mum would have died.

She wanted to alert you but her phone battery went flat. I would have called you but she said she will notify you when she get home. What really happened?"

The doctor asked.

"Doctor, is my wife okay?"

He asked with teary eyes.

"Your mum is in the other ward Mr Collins."

The doctor replied.

He couldn't hide his impatience as he gripped the doctor's shirt.

"What about my wife doctor? Is she okay?"

The doctor managed to pull his hands off his shirt before letting the cat out of the bag.

"I'm sorry Mr Collins, your wife couldn't make it. She's dead.

He was shocked.

Cold shivers ran down his spine.

He began to shake.

Hot tears welled up his eyes and as he made an attempt to speak, they raced down his cheeks.

Liquid fluids leaked out of his nostrils and wetted his lips. His shirt became drenched with sweat.

He wanted to man up but he couldn't.

He groaned in pain and let out a mad shout.


But then, it was too late to correct his mistake.

He should have heard her first as requested by her.

He should have controlled his anger.

He shouldn't have laid his hand on her.

He should have been patient with her.

He shouldn't have....

He should have....

But he didn't.

It was too late to apologize.

Don't make such a mistake.


Tuesday, February 4, 2020



When you invited Jesus into your life, you began a relationship with God that is very personal and intimate. Many Christians find it hard to really trust God, because they don’t really know Him. When you know Him, you will love and trust Him!

When you invited Jesus into your life, you initiated a “connection” with God.
Knowing about God is not the same as knowing Him personally and intimately.

Ignorance of God and what He is like, results in a life of doubt and distrust.
Jesus died on the cross to restore the relationship that we are destined to have with God that has been broken by sin.

What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.

Yours Lucky Beloved

Saturday, February 1, 2020


Most music worldwide has been tuned to 440 hertz since the International Standards Organization (ISO) endorsed it in 1953. The recent rediscoveries of the vibratory / oscillatory nature of the universe indicate that this contemporary international concert pitch standard may generate an unhealthy effect or anti-social behavior in the consciousness of human beings. A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432 Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. There is a theory that the change from 432 Hz to 440 Hz was dictated by Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. He used it to make people think and feel a certain manner, and to make them a prisoner of a certain consciousness. Then around 1940 the United States introduced 440 Hz worldwide, and finally in 1953 it became the ISO 16-standard. What is 440 Hz? 440 Hz is the unnatural standard tuning frequency, removed from the symmetry of sacred vibrations and overtones that has declared war on the subconscious mind of Western Man. In a paper entitled ‘Musical Cult Control’, Dr. Leonard Horowitz writes: “The music industry features this imposed frequency that is ‘herding’ populations into greater aggression, psycho social agitation, and emotional distress predisposing people to physical illness.” You just have to go out in the street and take a look around. What do you see? School kids, young adults on their way to work, a woman pushing her baby in a pram, a man walking his dog – and what do they all have in common? iPods or MP3 Players! Ingenious, isn't it? “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” -Nikola Tesla The powers that be are successfully lowering the vibrations of not only the young generation but the rest of us as well. These destructive frequencies entrain the thoughts towards disruption, disharmony and disunity. Additionally, they also stimulate the controlling organ of the body - the brain - into disharmonious resonance, which ultimately creates disease and war....

Friday, January 31, 2020



Corp members to earn as much as 118,800 in arrears

Following the announcement of the newly approved wage of 33,000 naira for corp members by the Director General of the National youth service Corp - Brigadier General Shuaibu Ibrahim, corp members are set for a wind fall in terms of arrears.
Corp members in 2019 Batch A will earn as much as 118,800 in areas covering the period between April and December of 2019.

Also their colleagues in 2019 Batch B stream 1 with earn an estimated amount of 105,200 within the period of June and December while those in Batch B stream 2 will look forward to receiving the sum of 66,000.

Also corp members in 2018 Batch B streams 1 and 2, and Batch C streams 1 and 2 are expected to earn 26,400, 39,600 and 79,200, 92,400 respectively.

In conclusion the DG says that corps member should expect nothing less than #32,800 by TUESDAY, 4TH FEBRUARY 2020 as January allowance, if any corps member receive anything less than that, officially email the NYSC DIRECTOR GENERAL where they will reply your email with NYSC official account number where you'll resend the allowance for proper accountability.


please comment and sharr


Busibility does not equal productivity
Visibility also does not equal productivity too
Because you are out there does not mean you are bringing results..
You can be visible to the wrong set of people and not be productive..
You can also be busy but you are "busy doing nothing"

*Time is life and life time, that's why it is called LIFETIME
If you waste your time, you waste your life.
In fact, you can't waste time, you can only waste your life..
Time is not redeemable..
Time cannot be held
Time cannot be stopped..
Time waits for no one!!
If you become aware of your time, your life will take a dramatic turn!!
If you sleep 8 hours a day..
8x365 = 2920 hours
2920 hours ÷ 24 hours = 121 days
You've slept 121 days out of 365 🙆🏽‍♂

If we factor in the time people spend in watching movies and BBNaija, chatting aimlessly and working for their boss, you will see that most people are not productive

Can you now see why few people are successful?
If you spend 2 hours working on yourself daily..
You would have spent 30 FULL days in personal development in the year.
That's 1 month out of 12. Still impressive
Please don't joke with your time..
So how do you become more productive in 2020

1. Always plan your day a night before.
I still use this principle till tomorrow
It is suicidal to start your day in a confused state.
Most people get into a day without a prior plan of what they should be doing..
One thing you want to be sure you have is *CLARITY*
Clarity gives you direction..
Direction brings progress..
No matter how fast you are running, if you run in the wrong direction, you will always come short..
Take 30 minutes at night and think
Think through your next day
Personally, my normal day is highly predictable
For the most part of the year I've had the same schedule.. Just a little modifications here and there..
Always Plan your day a night before..

2. Turn off notification or cut social media time generally
Most people are not productive today because of social media
Too many avoidable messages to reply
Too many repeated chats
Someone sends a message at 9:00, you must reply at 9:01


Don't be in a hurry to reply every message
Some people should wait..
If its not business or very important messages, let it wait small..
If you reply every message as it comes, you won't have time for yourself

3. Block time for the most important things in your life.
Your ability to block out time for the things that are most important for you..
Not everything is *Important*
Some things are *good,* but they are not *right*

A story is told of a man who was told to wash plates but went ahead to clean the floor..

He did what was good but it wasn't right..
So many of you are doing what is good but is not right for you now.
20% of the things you do account for 80% of your results while 80% ofw the things you do account for 20% of your results.

Find the 20% and block out time in your day to keep doing it.
The reason why I spend minimum time and get maximum result is because I now know the things that bring the most results

So spiritually for example, I know I have to be

1. Studying the word
2. Praying.
3. Going out for souls.
4. Fasting and
5. A strong fellowship with the Holy Spirit..

Business wise

1. I have to be ahead of the curve
2. I have to be marketing
3. I need to keep getting attention by offering value
4. I need to keep building a trust worthy brand..
5. I need to be innovating and bringing out new programs.

Find your own top 5 too and spend your time doing them..